Thai massage, also called Thai yoga massage is an ancient technique of massage based on acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic medicine and yoga postures. The founder of Thai massage was the Ayurvedic doctor Jivaka Kumar Bhacca (see logo Thai Traditional Medical Society). He came from India and lived at the time of the Buddha (2500 years ago). In many ancient writings of those times he is praised for his medical knowledge, and for the treatment of many important people of that time, including the Buddha himself.
During a Thai massage you work contrary to a Swedish massage not only on the muscles. The philosophy behind Thai massage focuses on energy points and lines in the body called Sen. During a Thai massage the therapist stretches the client while simultaneously applying pressure on the Sen points and lines. The use of these Sen points and lines can also be found in some forms of Western physical therapy like manual therapy and myofascial techniques.
It’s the combination of stretching the body, meditative relaxation and the work on the Sen points and lines that make a Thai massage so effective, as it works on several levels to create a free flow of energy in the clients body. A Thai massage is normally given on a mat on the floor and the client can wear loose fitting clothes during the treatment. The massage therapist will not only use his hands to stretch the body, but also his feet, knees and elbows.

This form of massage is effective in dissolving muscle tension, and this effect can be noticed even the day after. By stretching the client in many different yoga postures, a Thai massage has the same beneficial effect on the body as a yoga session. It promotes blood circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system and it stimulates digestion. The removal of toxins from the body due to the improved circulation and by stimulating the nervous system your immune system gets stronger. And a Thai massage is off course a great way to reduce stress due to its relaxing effect.
When you are interested in recieving a traditional Thai massage, you will have to come and visit us at one of retreats we organize, where we will be offering treatments. More info...