The science
If you look at the science you can easily get hopelessly confused, as you can find studies that pretty much supports anything. Many foods have been described as either good or bad for your health. It is therefore necessary to look at the preponderance of the evidence available instead of ´cherry picking´ some studies. In the field of nutrition, we have lots of epidemiological studies, these studies look for causes and risk factors for diseases in defined populations.
These studies will show you associations between certain behaviours and diseases but cannot give you a direct causal relationship. Studying population-based risk factors for diseases is crucial to testing the hypotheses we get from basic research. This basic research gives us an understanding on how nutrients affect the functioning of our bodies, the mechanism of action.
The hypotheses that we get from these studies should then be tested in clinical trials. The randomized, controlled clinical trial is the standard to demonstrate that some type of intervention works. In these studies, you have 2 groups of people, of which one group changes their diet and the other control group maintains their original diet. This gives the possibility to compare the outcomes of the 2 groups at the end of the study and show the possible effects of the dietary intervention.
There are also studies on centenarian populations from around the world, populations where a bigger than average part of the population lives beyond 100 years old. These studies are very helpful to determine long term safety, efficacy, and compliance of a certain diet. The case with many of the studies that would support a low carbohydrate diet is that they are only based on an epidemiological study or a small clinical trial and are not supported by the whole of the science. If you look at the whole of science, you’ll soon realize that a low carbohydrate diet with high protein and high saturated fat is actually one of the worst diets for your long-term health. There exists no population with record longevity that eats this type of diet. So, what do we know about low carbohydrate diets that are naturally high in proteins and fat?
High protein intake is consistently being associated with ageing and disease, and our protein requirements are quite low. The work of T. Colin Campbell, PhD is probably the most famous research done on the detrimental effects of high protein intake, especially from animal sources (17). A diet with animal protein makes the liver excrete excess amounts of IGF-1, a cancer promoting growth hormone. When we are minors, we need this growth hormone for growth but with adulthood high levels of IGF-1 circulating in the blood are associated with cancer. There is a rare genetic defect which makes the body unable to produce IGF-1, which leads to dwarfism. These people are protected against most types of cancer (18).
Studies on the effects of high fat in your diet have shown that this leads to cardiovascular diseases, as shown in the research done by Caldwell B. Esselsteyn. Jr., MD (19). Low-fat plant-based diets are actually the only diets that have shown to be able to halt and even reverse the progression of coronary artery disease, caused by atherosclerotic plaques that build up in the arteries, and the low-carbohydrate diets impair arterial function.
There are also often flaws in the design of studies that show the proposed benefits of low carbohydrate diets. For example, several studies often cited (20,21), show a low carbohydrate diet to be the best for weight loss compared to low fat diets. These studies describe a low-fat diet as a diet with contains less than 30% of calories from fat. This is not like the low-fat diet used by Caldwell B. Esselsteyn. Jr., MD which showed lots of benefits, these were done with a diet that contained only approximately 10% fat. Dietary fiber intake in the low-fat group is also low, which implies that they were eating lots of unhealthy refined carbohydrates.
The reports of people feeling much better when adopting a low carbohydrate diet are for a large part dependent on their diet before they adopted the new diet. When you leave lots of refined flour and sugars out of your diet, that will make you feel better but does not imply that your diet is healthy.
A new, vegan version of the low-carbohydrate diet, the so-called Eco-Atkins diet, was devised in 2010 (22). They wanted to find out if the negative effects of the low carbohydrate diet were because of the animal-based proteins and fats. They found that a low-carbohydrate diet based on animal sources was associated with higher all-cause mortality, whereas a vegetable based low carbohydrate diet was associated with a lower all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality rates, compared to a regular diet (23). So, this would imply that it’s more important if your food is animal or plant based, than the ratio of macronutrients in your diet.
The big problem with all these types of low carbohydrate diets is that people do not eat nutrients, they eat food. A low-carbohydrate diet is very restrictive and difficult to maintain, as our bodies are designed to crave carbohydrates and an extra serving of healthy vegetables might already push you over the carbohydrate limit of these types of diets. There is only so much oil or fat you can take, with ketogenic diets it’s always a case of finding a balance between nausea and ketosis.
Oils consisting out of medium chain triglycerides (MCT oils) like for example coconut oil, are more ketogenic than regular long chain triglyceride oils because they generate more ketones per calorie when metabolised. These MCT oils allow for a lower proportion of fat in the diet and thus more carbohydrates and protein. A diet consisting for 45% out of these oils is seen as a balance between ketosis and minimising gastrointestinal complaints.
So, you might lose a little bit of extra weight in the long run, although 1 kilo in one year is not going to make the difference, but you’ll pay for it with your overall health (24). A low carbohydrate diet won’t support good bone health, a healthy brain, heart and gut microbiome, and it will lead to plaque build-up in the arteries (25).
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