Healthy eating


Coconut oil

A diet that includes excess amounts of fat is one of the major causes of disease and premature death in modern societies. High fat intake is being associated with the current epidemic levels of CVD, stroke, diabetes, and several types of cancer (breast, prostate, colon). There are also fats that are essential for good health, the essential fatty acids. Thus, a healthy diet must contain adequate amounts of the essential fatty acids while still avoiding excess fat intake.

Pizza slices

25 September – 2 October  Abundant wellness / Healthy Eating retreat

We are getting ready for our 2021 Abundant wellness / Healthy eating retreat at Moinhos Velhos retreat centre in the Algarve. We currently have only two rooms left for this program so be fast to reserve your spot if you want to join us in the sunny Algarve to boost your vitamin D levels before the dark winter days and learn what you can do to boost your vitamin D levels during the wintertime.

Fields of green

The case for the use of GMO seeds is equivocal. Many people are wary to utilize this new technology, that reaction is an integral part of human nature, as we also see with Covid vaccines. People tend to choose for a known danger over a new unknown (possible) danger. Our scientific understanding of genetic modification is not complete, especially not for the layperson.

Nutritional yeast with added B12


You only need to absorb a tiny amount of vitamin B12 daily, around 4 mcg a day. The receptors in the ileum that absorb B12 can only absorb about 1.5 mcg at once and cannot absorb any more for several hours. To obtain adequate levels of B12 on a plant-based diet, you should consume at least three servings of B12 fortified foods daily, plant-based milks and nutritional yeast are often available in fortified versions.

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