
Radishes infosheet


Radishes are a root crop that belong to the Brassiceae (cabbage) family. There are different types of radishes, but all have the same basic nutritional make up. Radishes are rich in many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that are all beneficial for your health.

Radishes are a great detoxifier of the body. They aid in purifying the blood and to detoxify the liver and gall bladder. Radishes have a regulating effect on the production of bilirubin, a waste product that gets released during the breaking down of old red blood cells, and it helps in flushing the excess bilirubin from your blood. Radishes are used in many traditional medicine systems for the treatment of jaundice, a disease characterized by excess bilirubin.

The diuretic properties of radishes is one of the reasons why they are traditionally used for the treatment of urinary tract infections and to prevent infections of the kidneys. Radishes promote the excretion of oxalate, which can turn into kidney stones when it’s not properly excreted. Radishes have been shown to be helpful not only in eliminating kidney stones, but also in preventing the formation of new ones.

Radishes also have a decongestant effect on the airways, and they contain phytonutrients with anticancer properties. Being high in vitamin C, B vitamins, folate and minerals as well, makes them a very beneficial detoxifier for our body.

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