
MaceSweet Warming Aromatic
The flavor of mace is similar to nutmeg with less of the peppery sabinene and more diversity in the other flavor compounds. Mace lacks the astringent flavor from nutmeg giving it a smoother taste that goes well with sweet dishes. Mace can be added more towards the beginning of the cooking time to allow the flavors to infuse the dish.

The spice mace is produced, as nutmeg, by the nutmeg tree. The nutmeg tree gives fruit several times a year that are about the size of an apricot. The seed of this fruit is the nutmeg, and mace is made from the outer aril that firmly envelops the nutmeg seed. During harvest, this thread-like casing of the nutmeg is removed manually. These parts are then dried in the shade for a few days. During drying the mace gets his amber-like colour. After drying, the mace is ready to be used.
Mace and nutmeg have a similar taste, the flavour of mace is delicate and intense but less sharp that the taste of nutmeg. Both mace and nutmeg are used in many different recipes. You can replace one with the other in dishes, but mace is often chosen because it emits its amber colour to the dish. When you combine these two spices you'll get a completely new taste without the sharp edges of both spices. This combination is used for example in the Dutch speculaaskruiden mixture, which consists of ginger, cardamom, white pepper, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and mace.
Unlike nutmeg, mace is usually added at the beginning of cooking, so that it gets the time to release its flavour. When the dish is ready, the mace pieces are usually taken out. Alternatively, you can boil the mace first in some water and then use this extract in the preparation of the dish. Mace can be used in making broths, for flavouring vegetable stews and it goes well with all kinds of sweet dishes.
Mace contains the same healthy substances as nutmeg, but it contains higher concentrations of phytonutrients, vitamin B2, calcium, iron copper and magnesium. Mace also contains vitamin A and C, which nutmeg contains in negligible quantities of these vitamins.
Some of the advantageous properties of mace in a row,
Mace is a source of the minerals manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and zinc.
Mace contains the vitamins A, B1, B3, B6, B9 and C.
Mace helps when suffering from insomnia.
Mace helps with bad breath.
Mace promotes the dissolution of kidney stones.
Mace helps to remove toxins from the body.
Mace is effective against the growth of cancerous cells.
Mace stimulates the immune system.
Mace promotes the release of digestive juices and thereby improves the digestion.
Mace can resolve concentration problems.
Mace is a natural aphrodisiac.
Mace dissolves phlegm and provides relief from respiratory diseases.