Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds
Male hemp flower
Hemp leaf

Hemp seeds

Of the more than 3 million edible plants in the world, there is none other which has such a complete and easily digestible protein profile like hemp. Hemp seeds contain all essential amino acids and essential fatty acids that humans need to stay healthy.

Hemp seed has been used in Oriental countries and in parts of Russia as a staple food for many generations. Often consumed in a porridge or soup. You could also mix the seeds with your muesli for a delicious nutty flavour. When you let the seeds germinate, their nutritional value becomes even better, and you could easily add them like this to your salad.

I prefer whole hemp seeds instead of the peeled seeds that you can find more often in the stores. The omega-3 fatty acid in the seed is unstable, so it is best to leave them packed naturally until you consume them. This to ensure you get most of the healthy fatty acids. A tablespoon of hemp contains approximately 4 grams of protein. When you eat on or two tablespoons of hemp seeds daily, this will certainly benefit your physical condition.

Hemp seeds can be pressed to obtain a highly nutritious oil, which is packed with essential fatty acids. This oil contains more omega-3 fatty acids that you will find in a fish and even most fish oil supplements. Hemp oil should be consumed raw and not used for cooking as the omega-3 fatty acids quickly turn rancid when heated. The waste product from the pressing can be used to make flour.

From eating hemp, you cannot get ‘high’. THC, the active ingredient in the flowers of the plant, are not found in the seeds of the plant. The seed is generally referred to as hemp while they speak about the plant in relation to its effect on the mind one usually refers to it as cannabis, although it’s still one and the same plant.

Cannabis was for at least 3000 years, until the mid-19th century, the most used or one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in the world. In parts of the world like China, India, the Middle East, Africa and pre–Roman Catholic Europe.

In Western Europe were for more than 1200 years, until the 17th century, most medical treatments prohibited by the Roman Catholic Church. A treatment that was allowed for example was bloodletting, a treatment that is very unhealthy.

There are reports that estimate that when cannabis should be legalized worldwide, 10 to 20 percent of all prescription medications were to be replaced immediately by cannabis. You can understand that the pharmaceutical industry is not very pleased with this.

The hemp plant can grow almost anywhere in the world, even in places where nothing else can grow due to poor soil and weather conditions. This, together with its excellent nutritional qualities is the reason that hemp could be very important to solve the world food problem.

There are many benefits to eating hemp, which is an excellent source of protein and fat. There are also no known allergies to hemp. Below are some advantages summed up.

  • Hemp contains lots of protein that are more easily digestible than protein from animal sources.

  • Hemp is a good source of essential fatty acids in the proper proportions for humans.

  • Hemp contains the healthy omega-6 GLA fatty acid, which is not found in many foods.

  • Hemp contains 20 different kinds of amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids.

  • Hemp is rich in vitamin E.

  • Hemp is also a source of the vitamins B1, B2, B6 & D.

  • Hemp promotes energy levels and your metabolism.

  • Hemp improves blood circulation, among others good for warmer feet in the winter.

  • Hemp improves the functioning of blood vessels and organs.

  • Hemp increases your overall resistance against diseases.

  • Hemp accelerates muscle recovery after a workout or radiation therapy.

  • Hemp improves the condition of the skin and hair.

  • Hemp inhibits the progress of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Hemp can reduce the symptoms of PMS and menstrual symptoms.

  • Hemp is very healthy for diabetics as it promotes blood circulation, and it is anti-inflammatory.

  • Hemp can help with chronic health conditions, including high blood pressure, acne, eczema, psoriasis, constipation, obesity, and prostate problems.

  • Hemp contains no badly digestible oligosaccharides (starches/sugars) and substances that inhibit protein digestion.

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