

CinnamonSweet Aromatic Warming

Cinnamon enhances the perception of sweetness; it doesn’t taste sweet by itself. The main flavor compound, cinnamaldehyde, gives a warming sensation on the tongue. There are several minor flavor compounds that can be used to combine with other spices.

Flavor chart anise
Ceylon cinnamon
Cinnamon for sale in Thailand


Cinnamon is a spice with a natural sweet taste, most people will know this spice from a delicious apple pie, or the old-fashioned cinnamon sticks you would get at the fair.

Cinnamon is the inner bark of the shoots of the tropical Cinnamon tree. The two most commonly used types are Cassia and Ceylon cinnamon. The Cassia cinnamon has a deeper spicier and sweet taste with some bitterness, as compared to Ceylon. Ground cinnamon powder is usually made from the Cassia variant. Ceylon cinnamon is also called true cinnamon. Coumarin, the flavour compound responsible for the sweet taste of the cassia cinnamon can be toxic for the liver when consumed in excessive amounts. If you consume powdered cinnamon regularly, it's better to choose for true cinnamon instead of the cassia variety.

In many Asian countries, cinnamon is used often in food preparation. Besides its delicious taste, cinnamon together with other spices like turmeric keeps your dishes longer fresh. This is very useful in a tropical climate where not everyone owns a refrigerator.

Cinnamon is also very effective in treating food poisoning. This is due to its antiviral activity and the strong antibacterial effect. Cinnamon is one of the most effective natural agents against e-coli and salmonella poisoning. And a little bit of cinnamon can relieve nausea almost instantly.

There are many easy ways to add cinnamon to your diet. For example, you can sprinkle a little powder on your porridge or you can combine some with your coffee. You can also add a cinnamon stick to a herbal tea brew or to a jug of water, the beverage will get infused with the aromatic sweet taste from the cinnamon. The warming taste of cinnamon won't be so pronounced in the beverage infusions because the flavour compound responsible for the warming flavour, cinnamaldehyde, does not dissolve in water.

Some health benefits of cinnamon at a glance:

  • Cinnamon is a natural preservative, food will last longer when cinnamon is added.

  • Cinnamon is very effective in the body in the control of fungal infections such as Candida.

  • Cinnamon is effective in the body in fighting bacterial infections.

  • Cinnamon in your meal prevents a spike in your blood sugar level after eating.

  • Cinnamon can inhibit the formation of cancer cells.

  • Cinnamon stimulates the mind and your concentration, even when you only smell it.

  • Cinnamon is prescribed in Chinese medicine as a remedy for stomach problems.

  • Cinnamon is a good remedy against cold feet in the winter.

  • Cinnamon is prescribed in the Ayurveda for colds and menstrual pains among others.

  • Cinnamon has a positive effect on all aspects of the insulin and fat metabolism. It’s therefore an ideal tool for diabetes type2 related disorders.

  • Cinnamon promotes the anabolic protein formation in muscle cells allowing more glucose to get absorbed, resulting in more energy. Perfect for athletes!

  • Cinnamon prevents the blood in your body from clotting (coagulation).

  • Cinnamon fights the E-coli bacteria when included in unpasteurized juices.

  • Cinnamon contains substances that can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, and perhaps even prevent it.

  • Cinnamon reduces the negative effects related to the eating of a high fat meal.

  • Cinnamon slows the glucose response after a meal.

  • Cinnamon reduces the inflammatory response in the body.

  • Cinnamon works against constipation.

  • Cinnamon contains lots of dietary fiber.

  • Cinnamon is a good source of manganese, iron, chromium and calcium.

  • Cinnamon contains small quantities of vitamin A and K.

Be cautious with cinnamon when you’re pregnant, it could in large amounts (medicinal use, unlikely in a meal) work provocative on the uterus.

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