The vegetables that we can find traditionally on the menu in Western Europe come from plants of the cabbage family (Cruciferae or Brassicaceae: both names are used). All types of cabbage fall into this family but also, for example radishes, arugula (rocket) and mustard. The complete Cruciferae family includes about 3500 species of which of some 20 species are commonly eaten. The flowers, leaves or seeds we us as a food source.
The vegetables from this genus are known as a cheap and nutritious food source. They are not only a good source of proteins but also contain many vitamins, minerals and other compounds which benefit our health.
One sort of these compounds are the glucosinolates (Sulforaphane). These substances are a sort of defence mechanism of the cabbage. When you cut a cabbage, it’s start creating this substance. When you leave the cabbage momentarily after slicing it up, it becomes even healthier. After 5 minutes, this effect is already noticeable, but the production of glucosinolates goes on for approximately 24 hours. These glucosinolates together with some other substances present in the cabbage are being associated with lots of positive health properties.
There is an increasing body of evidence that supports these positive health properties. For example, there is increasing evidence if you have cabbage on the menu more often, you’ve got less risk to get several types of cancer.
Here are several reasons summed up to eat cabbage more often:
Cabbage supports the immune system.
Cabbage has an antibacterial effect.
Cabbage has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Cabbage can protect against several forms of cancer.
Cabbage is a good source of vitamin A, C, K & B11.
Cabbage is a source of the mineral’s potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, and manganese.
Cabbage eaten regularly protects the heart and blood vessels.
Cabbage as food source has a positive effect on the entire digestive tract.
Cabbage in can make your cholesterol levels come down.
Cabbage is a nutritious vegetable that is also one of the cheapest.
Cabbage retains many of its healthy properties after preparation.
Cabbage can be of help when you suffer from Crohn's disease. Many people who suffer from Crohn's disease can digest some species of cabbage. By discovering the species that your body can endure, and eat this cabbage on a regular basis, your health would certainly improve on many levels (especially when combined with turmeric & pepper).